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there’s no instruction book on parenting…or is there?



Your day is busy. Between play dates, laundry, errands, and meal prep, little time remains for you to create opportunities to teach your child necessary developmental skills.

That is where parent coaching comes in. I am here to show you how everyday activities can easily be turned into opportunities for communication growth. Let me be your personal parent guide and show you the way to supporting your child’s development and communication!


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parent coach

Coaching involves customized, one-on-one sessions [in your home or by video call] with me! Your expert when it comes to child development.

parent coach

These sessions provide you with the strategies and tools you need to enhance your child’s communication skills.

parent coach

You will receive creative ways to increase speech and language development, during activities that are already a part of your family’s routine.


What are parents provided with?


Developmental milestone charts: now you will know what your child should (or should not) be doing.


Activity worksheet(s): gives you specific words, phrases, etc that can be targeted during 1+ activities.


Strategies to utilize throughout the day that will support intentional interactions with your child.


AS A RESULT OF PARENT COACHING, you’ll be able to help your child…


Use gestures, vocalizations, and/or words to communicate


Learn new vocabulary (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.)


utterance (I.E. phrasE and sentence) length


Learn comprehension skills (I.E. following directions, etc.)


Expand play skills (I.E. making eye contact, taking turns, ETC.)


is there a difference between Parent Coaching & Speech Therapy?

The short answer is…yes! There are differences between speech therapy and parent coaching. Here are some of the differences:

  • Speech therapy involves direct, intensive services for the treatment of speech and/or language disorders. Sessions occur 1-2 times per week and are ongoing until the areas of delay have been remediated.

  • Parent coaching involves educating the parent and/or caregiver, through use of child development and speech therapy strategies to support their child’s speech and language development.

Whereas speech therapy is intended for the child who has been diagnosed with a speech/language delay, parent coaching is designed to benefit ALL children.

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 If you are a parent of a late talker, or the parent of a child you want to see excel in pre-academic skillS, sign up for parent coaching today!



Jenn is an ASHA certified, practicing speech-language pathologist and parent coach. She is passionate about using her expertise to provide parents with practical information and resources that will support speech and language development for their child. 


Jenn is excited to equip you with the tools you’ll need to support your child’s development! Jenn can’t wait to answer your questions and make life a little easier for you and your child. Get ready for functional, easy activities to do at home! You as the parent are the difference maker…Jenn is here to help support you along the way.


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